
Happy Things (vol. 1)

Hello and welcome to your dose of happy things on the internet! This is the first of a regular installment designed to give you a mood boost - news, videos, stories, websites, and tools that induce smiles. If you have any suggestions for the next installment of Happy Things, shoot us an email!


Everything is awesome! This playlist is full of dance-worthy tracks.

This kitten needs your attention for a very important message.

Captain America: Winter Soldier is out! While I haven't seen the movie yet, I appreciate Cap's to do list of things to research. (Thai food, disco, and Steve Jobs? Sounds like he's been having out with the right people!)
Yes & Yes does a monthly Network of Nice, and reading through the postings always makes me smile.

Following Cute Emergency on Twitter was one of the best choices I've ever made. Cute animals in your feed!

A young girl asks Wil Wheaton if he was ever called a nerd, and his answer is heartwarming.

Natalie Dormer from Game of Thrones shuts down "fake geek girl" questions on the red carpet, and it is brilliant!

If you missed out on the best geeky April Fool's jokes, don't worry - Nerdjoy! has you covered.

HabitRPG is a habit building app mixed with an RPG game - wait, I can turn my life into an RPG? Yes, please!

Have you seen this site? Things Organized Neatly.

Game of Thrones characters as cats. Purrfect.

What's made you happy on the internet lately?

Mia is one half of SHe's founding team, in charge of social media, blogging management, and guest content wrangling. MBA student concentrating in Digital Marketing by day, geek of all trades by night. Loves dressing up, advocating for self-love, and crying about magical girls.
Find Mia? Twitter ★ Facebook ★ Blog


  1. Such wonderful things! I think I have watched that myewing kitten three times now. So cute.

    Also HabitRPG looks fantastically useful and just when I was looking to kick my habits into gear.

    I look forward to this feature. Something that just makes you smile is so under rated by some people. It is so valuable though.

  2. LOVE that Wheaton clip! I am a middle school teacher and will probably be showing that one in class :)

  3. That playlist is AMAZING! I've been listening to it for hours :P

  4. Things Organized Neatly is my new favorite blog. omg.

  5. Network of Nice is Making my day!
    And I'm a huge fan of playlists/mixtapes!

  6. Oh Wil Wheaton! This makes me like him even more than I ever have! :)
